BUTTERFLY EFFECT, Changing attitudes to change the world
Throughout the EU many people are faced with racism, oppression and discrimination on daily basis. In the Crime, safety and victims’ rights survey (2021), the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights underlines that young people (16-29 years old) in EU are at the highest risk of experiencing physical violence (1 out of 4, while in other age categories 1 out of 10) and harassment (3 out of 5) and recommends to adopt targeted measures in the contexts where these episodes occur, that is school or tertiary education settings.
Based on the idea that small variations in the initial conditions produce large variations in the long-term attitude of a community the Butterfly Effect project will address racial incidents, that are frequently experienced by youth from ethnic minorities and immigrant backgrounds.
The project team is composed of dedicated organisations and individuals in Italy, Austria, Croatia and Greece who have been working against discriminatory violence and oppression and for, among others, young people and their safety and well-being for many years. The project is promoted by COSPE, CONNGI, Symbiosis, Human Rights House Zagreb, Dokustelle, Zara.
The aim is strengthening the capacity of young people, educational community and youth organizations to tackle hate incidents and offer support young victims through an intersectional and gender-sensitive approach.
The project focuses on capacity building for youngsters, educational communities, youth organisations and educational authorities to find new and innovative solutions and recognise that tackling hate is a responsibility of all.
What we do
- Amplifying the impact of youth organisations and activists in taking action against racism and other forms of discrimination at national and European level.
- Sharing knowledge and tools with educational communities aiming at supporting youth facing hate incidents and structural discrimination.
- Supporting young people in their commitment to building a more equitable society and in recognizing hate incidents and supporting peers.
- Raising public awareness amongst society on hate and discrimination, especially on racist incidents among young people.
Cross-Cutting Tools
- A European research report with recommendations
- 2 hate incidents and victims’ support curricula
- A manual addressed on hate incidents and crimes and their prevention
- A Social media campaign to raise awareness on the impact of discrimination and racism
Who we stand with
Young people, Activists, Educational institutions, Educational communities, Parents, Civil society, Youth organisations.