An European Social campaign to encourage indivuals to actively fight against racism, discriminations and oppression


Launched a couple of months ago, the first stage of the European campaign of the Butterfly Effect project already reached more than 14.000 people across Europe. The social campaign aims at raising awareness among young people and educational communities on racism, discrimination and oppression, as well as implementing counter and prevention strategies focusing on individual and collective responsibility, in line with the overall project perspective.

The campaign is still ongoing and will be enhanced through the launch of new products such as videos, podcasts and also involving some anti-racism ambassadors across Europe. However the very first flight of the dissemination activity is almost concluded and its relevant contents were disseminated in each country involved in the project (Italy, Austria, Croatia and Greece).

Promoted in across the above mentioned 4 countries, it has been developed by adapting a common structure for formats and languages of each partner and has been released crosschannels,  via the main social media platforms of the organisations involved, namely: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X.

The campaign content strategy, jointly launched and adapted is based on a shared editorial plan that mainly exploited carousels format as the most relevant one on social media to exploit space for dissemination and capture attention.

Common Topics to a wider impact: exploring data to raise awareness

This starting phase was dedicated at providing background information on the project and its main aims, by identifying social media as platforms were people (especially youth) could spend their spare time also looking for informative contents.  In particular, we focus on the importance that small actions can have in contributing to long-term forms of impact and attitudes.

Each content was presented in line with the Butterfly Effect approach, which investigates the multiple forms of racism that may be experienced by young people belonging to marginalised groups and addresses them to strengthen the capacity of young people, educational communities, and youth organisations to tackle hate incidents and offer support through an intersectional and gender-sensitive approach and innovative solutions.

For instance, some content was about the presentation of the partnership, leaving room for the individual specificities and communities of purpose that distinguish and at the same time unite the partners in the project activities. In fact, the project team consists of organizations and individuals engaged in Italy, Croatia, Greece, and Austria who have been working for years against violence and discriminatory oppression and for youth and their safety and well-being, among others. Each partner brings with them a background of experience and expertise in the field of human rights, discriminations, anti-racism, promoting diversity, and social inclusion.

Next, the editorial calendar included a publication devoted to background information on racism, hate speech, and discrimination, with an explanation directed specifically at the characteristics that, at the European level, distinguish these topics. This content was designed to explain how they can take many forms: from micro-aggressions to more explicit and overt forms of violence. The key and first step that the partners aim to promote is to inform us, raise awareness among those around us, and then collectively take action to build a more inclusive society.

Another carousel was developed to delve into these phenomena in a specifically school setting, where learning environments provide an opportunity to investigate, recognize and combat racism and discrimination. The campaign explored also the most relevant differences between hate speech and hate crimes, as well as their definitions, impacts, and legal ramifications.

And two more topics will be delivered soon: one focusing on the important concept of intersectionality and the other one dealing with systemic and institutional racism. In addition, in the coming months each partner will publish podcasts or educational video pills, thus amplifying the social campaign through our “Echoes and Words of Change.” And finally, our anti-racism ambassadors will join us to amplify our messages and the values we uphold, highlighting success stories across Europe.
Ready to meet them?

All products will be featured on the campaign page, check it out:

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