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“Butterfly Effect: metamorphosis of an inclusive Europe” a podcast with Ada Ugo Abara

Butterfly Effect: Podcast series available on Spotify. Host: Ada Ugo Abara, promoted by COSPE and CoNNGI

Throughout the whole European Union, intolerance, racism, xenophobia and discrimination continue to affect many people because of their ethnic origin, migration background or religious belief. The consequences of this violence, although different in the various Member States, are particularly serious for the Afro-descendent youth, the Muslim minorities, the Romany, and, in general, those who come […]

Focus groups with parents on hate speech and gender identity issues in adolescents

Butterfly Effect_antiracism in sports

The Butterfly Effect project includes actions also towards parents, as key actors in the educational community, through focus groups to make them aware of the importance of recognizing, preventing and tackling hate incidents. On 15th of May 2024 COSPE organized a focus group online with 19 participants, parents and teachers of the Gramsci-Keynes Secondary School […]

Focus group in Rome on the issues of racism

Butterfly Effect_Focus group in Rome

Within the Butterfly Effect project, a European research is being conducted to outline the characteristics and impact of racism and hate incidents among young people and to understand how to prevent and address these phenomena. The research included focus groups, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires to young people in the 4 project countries (Italy, Greece, Austria, […]