Watch the final video of the international conference

During the international conference of the “Butterfly Effect” project, held in Brussels on October 30, 2024, we have collected a series of interviews. Thanks to all our keynote speakers! Watch the video: This video was co-funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the […]

A seminar to fight hate crimes and promote educational inclusion in Greece

The Symbiosis-Council of Europe School of Political Studies in Greece collaborated with EU organizations as part of the Butterfly Effect project. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of young people, the educational community and youth organizations in addressing hate speech and crimes and to support young victims through an intersectional approach. In November and […]

Symbiosis initiatives to combat hate speech and foster inclusivity in Greece 

As part of the Butterfly Effect project, Symbiosis undertook a series of initiatives in November and December 2023, including a focus group and two participatory youth meetings with the aim of promoting dialogue, raising awareness among young people and addressing hate speech. These initiatives not only addressed the complexity of hate speech, but also promoted […]