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(Anti-)Racism in Sports

Butterfly Effect_Changing attitudes to change the world_antiracism in sports

So far this summer quite a few sporting competitions have happened. But like any other aspect of our society, the world of sports is not exempt from discrimination. Days before the Olympic Summer Games started in France, it was announced by the French government that French athletes were not allowed to participate in the Olympic […]

ZARA published the Racism Report 2024 in march

ZARA – Civil Courage and Anti-Racism Work draws attention to racist attacks and structures in Austria in its annual Racism Report. The anonymized reports presented in the report provide an insight into the racist incidents that were reported to ZARA over the course of a year and the measures that were initiated together with clients. […]

European Youth Meeting in Vienna

On the 5th and 6th of March 2024 the European Youth Meeting of the Butterfly Effect project took place in  Das Packhaus, Marxergasse 24/2, Vienna. The event brought together more than 30 participants from Italy, Austria, Greece and Croatia and from different backgrounds: youth activists, social workers, NGOs. The meeting started with a session conducted […]