Upcoming event in Brussels: Uniting against hate speech, hate crimes and discrimination in Europe

Event in Brussels 30 october Butterfly Effect

The final event of the project “Butterfly Effect – changing attitudes to change the world” will take place in Brussels, Belgium on the 30th October 2024. Venue: Mundo Matongé – Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050 Brussels

What to expect?

The ‘butterfly effect’, an allegory of chaos theory, evokes the idea that a small butterfly flapping its wings could, hypothetically, cause a typhoon. In our deeply interconnected world, a small event can impact a much larger complex system change. In the same way, Even small everyday gestures and behavioural  shifts at all levels can generate big changes and profoundly influence the fight against hate speech and incidents. This is precisely why the project “Butterfly Effect – changing attitudes to change the world  has strengthened the capacities of young people, educational communities and youth organisations in 4 European Union countries (Austria, Croatia, Greece and Italy) to prevent and tackle hate incidents and to support affected youth.

The purpose of this International Conference is to provide a platform, create space and time for dialogue among stakeholders, focusing on deepening discussions around four key themes in addressing hate speech and racism. 

  • the policies, legal and technological dimensions of combating hate speech and racism, highlighting the role of European and national institutions in countering discrimination;
  • civil society’s leadership in mobilising communities to resist hatred, emphasising grassroots advocacy and collaborative action;
  • the online dimension of hate, focusing on how data, journalism, and civil society can fight digital extremism and online hate speech;
  • youth activism strategies to promote inclusion and critical thinking.

The Agenda

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