Protagonisti – The Annual and Itinerant Meeting by CONNGI: A Dialogue Platform for New Generations

Once again, the highly anticipated “Protagonisti” event took place this year. Organized by CONNGI (Coordinamento Nazionale Nuove Generazioni Italiane) in collaboration with the Jasmine Association and supported by local and national institutions committed to real change, young activists from across the country gathered to discuss crucial social topics.

During the event, participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions about fundamental aspects of being Italian in contemporary society. The debate focused on collective identity and the importance of building an inclusive society that respects diversity. Italian youth shared their experiences, reflecting on the meaning of belonging and the value of intercultural relationships.

The Italian team behind the European project ‘Butterfly Effect Project’ had the opportunity to present their various initiatives. One of these initiatives is the Capacity Building program, which targets association managers working with young people. Scheduled for June 22-23 in Bologna, this program emphasizes how even small gestures can have a significant impact. During “Protagonisti”, participants shared their personal experiences and engaged in discussions about how each of us can be a catalyst for change. They focused on promoting and practicing values of inclusion and respect in our daily lives as active members of associations committed to fighting against any form of discrimination.

The Butterfly Effect Project aims to address racial incidents frequently experienced by youth who often face multiple forms of discrimination. The project team comprises organizations dedicated to Italy, Croatia, Greece, and Austria, who have been tirelessly working for years to combat discriminatory violence, hate speech, and to promote the well-being and safety of young people. The meeting provided a valuable space for reflecting on the challenges faced by new generations. The stories shared by young attendees highlighted the power of collaboration and solidarity in overcoming cultural and social barriers.
Protagonisti” continues to be an important opportunity for Italian youth to share, engage, and grow together. In this context, every contribution and exchange of knowledge and experiences helps us better address the issues that the new generations of Italians are facing. Projects like the “Butterfly Effect Project” can expand our understanding and become valuable tools for these generations, promoting positive and lasting change.

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