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(Anti-)Racism in Sports

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So far this summer quite a few sporting competitions have happened. But like any other aspect of our society, the world of sports is not exempt from discrimination. Days before the Olympic Summer Games started in France, it was announced by the French government that French athletes were not allowed to participate in the Olympic […]

Focus groups with parents on hate speech and gender identity issues in adolescents

Butterfly Effect_antiracism in sports

The Butterfly Effect project includes actions also towards parents, as key actors in the educational community, through focus groups to make them aware of the importance of recognizing, preventing and tackling hate incidents. On 15th of May 2024 COSPE organized a focus group online with 19 participants, parents and teachers of the Gramsci-Keynes Secondary School […]

Youth Capacity Building of the Butterfly Effect Project: Empowering Youth Associations to Combat Discrimination, Hate Speech, and Racism

The Butterfly Effect Project team recently organized a youth capacity-building meeting aimed at addressing, recognizing, and effectively managing discrimination through knowledge sharing and the provision of useful tools. Launched in 2023, this project engaged young people from four different countries, primarily targeting youth associations, though not exclusively. The meeting underscored the critical impact of language, […]

ZARA published the Racism Report 2024 in march

ZARA – Civil Courage and Anti-Racism Work draws attention to racist attacks and structures in Austria in its annual Racism Report. The anonymized reports presented in the report provide an insight into the racist incidents that were reported to ZARA over the course of a year and the measures that were initiated together with clients. […]

Protagonisti – The Annual and Itinerant Meeting by CONNGI: A Dialogue Platform for New Generations

Once again, the highly anticipated “Protagonisti” event took place this year. Organized by CONNGI (Coordinamento Nazionale Nuove Generazioni Italiane) in collaboration with the Jasmine Association and supported by local and national institutions committed to real change, young activists from across the country gathered to discuss crucial social topics. During the event, participants had the opportunity […]

Participatory meeting and focus group in Genoa

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On 27 January 2024 an event organized by CONNGI for youth people engaged in activism took place at Laboratorio Mediterraneo in Genoa with  the facilitation of Simohamed Kaabour teacher, cultural mediator and rights activist. The facilitator proposed a discussion through specific questions concerning racist phenomena: hate crimes, racialization, personal experiences on hate incidents and how […]

Focus group in Rome on the issues of racism

Butterfly Effect_Focus group in Rome

Within the Butterfly Effect project, a European research is being conducted to outline the characteristics and impact of racism and hate incidents among young people and to understand how to prevent and address these phenomena. The research included focus groups, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires to young people in the 4 project countries (Italy, Greece, Austria, […]